May 2015 News Work Session Page Hearing Guidelines Flash Rally Public Hearing for HP 956 We The People Maine Legislation Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 1:00 PM, Cross Building, Room 214 Note! only LDs show on the main Committee page, but you can see the full hearing schedule by downloading the Revised Public Hearing Notice on 5/27/2015 (1st choice bottom left side of page). Links to our PDFs of the revised hearing notice and committee schedule appears just above (we’ve shown the HP 956 section in bold text in both documents). Google Map: Cross State Office Building A Public Hearing was held Wednesday for HP 956, the resolution using language similar to the We The People Maine petition which calls for an Article V Constitutional convention to pass a US Constitutional amendment to revoke corporate personhood and regulate campaign spending. Written testimony may be sent by email to Cassie.Nixon@legislature.maine.gov
* FLASH RALLY!! * FLASH RALLY!! * FLASH RALLY!! * On the State House steps, Wednesday, May 27 at 12:00 Noon Flash Rally and Press Conference
Together we need to send a message to our elected officials that we want them to be on the right side of history by supporting HP956. We need for them to know the founders crafted our Constitution to be a living document; it has been amended 27 times in our nation’s history. Amendments gave us freedom of religion and the right to possess arms. It took amendments to abolish slavery and to give women the right to vote. The 18th amendment made prohibition the law of the land, and the 21st amendment repealed the 18th. If ever there was a time for people to exercise this right, the time is now! Our last best chance, our only chance, to prevent a total corporate take over of America is to amend the Constitution. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come to Augusta!! FMI: Beedy Parker (236‑8732) Beedy@WeThePeopleMaine.org, Steve Burke (691‑0322) Steve@WeThePeopleMaine.org
Thank you for attending the public hearing for HP 956 and tell the committee what you think about corporations as people and money as speech. HP 956
Go to the Maine Legislature's page for The Committee On State and Local Government to contact members of the committee and to see work schedules and the schedule of hearings.
Voters should also contact their Representatives and Senators and say that they want HP 956 to be voted on and passed in the Maine House and Senate. You can find your Representative’s and Senator’s names and contact information here: www.maine.gov/legis/house/townlist.htm#S Thank you.
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