June 1, 2015 Committee Work Session for HP 956 Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 1:30 PM, Cross Building, Room 214 The Committee On State and Local Government Google Map: Cross State Office Building A public hearing was held in Augusta on Wednesday for HP 956, the resolution using the same language as the We The People Maine petition (a call for an Article V Constitutional convention to write a US Constitutional amendment to revoke corporate personhood and regulate campaign spending). The next step is a work session by The Committee On State and Local Government, where a decision will be made on whether to send this resolution to the House floor with an “Ought to pass” or “Ought not to pass” designation. It is important to have a presence at this work session. Activists who worked on food sovereignty bills have said that their presence made a difference in the committee’s willingness to persevere with the details of those bills and to vote in support of them. If it is possible for you to attend, please go to the Cross Office Building, room 214, on Tuesday, June 2 at 1:30 pm. The Cross State Office Building is next to the State House and across from the free parking garage. (Google Map) You are not required to go through the security checkpoint. Whether or not you can attend, it is also important to contact your Representative this weekend to ask for their support for HP 956 when it comes to the House floor for a vote. It’s a long shot to win this one as we need a 2/3 majority, but it would be wonderful for our cause if we could get a significant number of votes. Remember that this resolution asks for an Article V convention, and there is much uncertainty and fear around this method of amending the Constitution. We are hoping these will be cleared up at least within the committee. You are welcome to contact me to discuss details before you talk with your Representative. Thank you. Jan Carpenter (carpelesi@mainelywired.net, 326‑8635)
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