Guidelines page 1 Announcement Guidelines PDF Hello WTP Maine volunteers and others. The hearing for HP 956 is now scheduled for Wednesday May 27, 1 PM Cross Building, Room 214. HP 956 is one of 5 items on the schedule, 3 LD’s to change the Maine constitution, and 2 HP’s to have Maine Legislature call for a U.S. constitutional convention, one concerning fiscal restraint and the WTP Maine HP, making the simple fact that “corporations are not people” and “money is not speech” a formal, enforceable part of the U.S. constitution. There will also be a Flash Rally and Press Conference before the hearing at noon.
HP 956 Testimony and Info HP 956 Hearing Notice text of HP 956 Rep. Ralph Chapman’s resolution (with the WTP Maine citizen initiative wording which, if passed, would become an official application from the state of Maine for a Constitutional convention to draft an amendment to the US Constitution saying that “Corporations are not people” and “Money is not speech.””) is now “HP 956” and has been assigned to the The Committee On State and Local Government, with the hearing now scheduled for Wednesday May 27, 1 PM Cross Building, Room 214. We want supporters to be at the hearing, testifying or being present, but testimony can also be sent in by email to Cassie.Nixon@legislature.maine.gov Testimony can be short and sweet, or longer, detailed and formal. If you are late or this doesn’t suit, please try to turn your comments into a Letter to the Editor, statewide and/or local. And send a copy to your legislators! (And let me know if you would like to see a boiler plate.) In your testimony, refer to “HP 956, an act to call a Constitutional Convention for an Amendment stating corporations are not people and money is not speech.”
Beedy Parker (beedyparker@gwi.net, 236‑8732)
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