Who Are “We The People Maine?”
We The People Maine worked to collect signatures on a Maine Citizen Initiative petition asking the Maine Legislature to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of passing a United States Constitutional Amendment making it clear that “Corporations are not people” and “Money is not speech.” We The People Maine hoped to work with individuals and groups throughout Maine to pass the We The People Maine Citizen Initiative. We understood that creating a United States of America with saner laws and policies about corporations and money in politics would not be easy. The Maine Citizen Initiative petition was a first, very important, step. We expected these issues to take many years of effort. It is now the law of the land that corporations are given the same rights as people within the Bill of Rights, and that unlimited money is equated with free speech, undermining our ability to govern ourselves. We The People Maine’s aim is to restore democracy by working for change where change is necessary.
Legal and Organizational Details The organization We The People Maine was sponsored by the Midcoast Peace & Justice Group and remains a non‑profit Maine public benefit corporation with a U.S. IRS Tax ID. During the petition drive the organization was also a Maine PAC registered with the Maine Ethics Commission. The Midcoast Peace & Justice Group had a history of working for important progressive social, environmental, and economic issues and had gained the trust of individuals and groups throughout Maine. As an organization, We The People Maine also followed the wisdom of the Midcoast Peace & Justice Group and did not support political parties or individual candidates for public office. Note, the group is inactive, and no emails will sent by the organization or from it’s domain, WeThePeopleMaine.org. We The People Maine.
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Return government to the people.
This website is maintained by We The People Maine, an organization sponsored by The Midcoast Peace & Justice Group and registered with the Maine Ethics Commission. |
© 2013, 2014 WeThePeopleMaine.org (WTPMaine.org)