March 2015 Update PDF of We The People Maine March 2015 Update Help Maine Get Corporate Money Out of Politics! Speak out - write or give testimony on legislation to overturn Citizens United ! A message from We The People Maine: Legislation has been submitted in Augusta which would, if passed, become an official application from the state of Maine for a Constitutional convention to draft an amendment to the US Constitution saying that “Corporations are not people” and “Money is not speech.” This is a prime opportunity to make our voices heard and to move towards overturning Citizens United, a goal as crucial as fighting the offending corporation at hand, and a necessary part of ending corporate domination of our government, our environment, and our lives. The We The People Maine amendment (document number pending) will be sent to committee and a public hearing will most likely be scheduled for sometime in April. There are two additional resolutions supporting the same purpose, using different language, which will be considered at the same time, one calling for campaign finance reform only and one calling for amendments to address concerns raised by Citizens United and related cases. State Representative Ralph Chapman has submitted the three bills in order to stimulate informed conversation among the legislators and to promote understanding of the Constitutional convention process. The We The People Maine resolution is the only one that specifies revoking corporate personhood, so it provides an opportunity for you to speak out about corporate claims to Constitutional rights. All concerned Maine voters are encouraged to express their opinions on this matter in Letters to the Editor in regional or local newspapers and online sites (letter writing campaign) and to the legislative committee members, either by sending written testimony or by speaking at the public hearing.We will notify everyone on our contact list when the committee and document numbers have been assigned. We will also send out the specific requirements for submitting testimony in order for it to be considered as part of the hearing. Please be sure we have your contact information so we can inform you of these updates. We are also looking for volunteers to make phone calls to update other We The People Maine supporters. Your time and efforts are a vital part of this work – Thank you!
May 27 Public Hearing January 2015 News Letter Writing Campaign
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