Guidlines PDF
More detail and background information (continued)
- Calling for a Constitutional convention:
A request from the legislatures of 2/3 of the states (34 states) is required in order for Congress to call a Constitutional convention. Four states
(Vermont, California, Illinois, and New Jersey) have now passed this request, calling for amendments to address concerns regarding Citizens United.
The Maine state legislature has already passed a resolution asking Congress to write such an amendment. Congress has failed to make any more than token
progress. A call for a Constitutional convention is the only way that Maine can act to move the amendment forward.
- Widespread support for overturning the Citizens United decision
Petition circulators found voters supporting the move for such an amendment regardless of political party.
We The People Maine collected over 35,000 signatures of voters in favor of an amendment to say that “corporations are not people” and“money is not speech.”
Thank you.
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