One 4 All & All 4 One Benefit Dance Poster Dancing 4 a Dancer, A Night for Tracy! Our Call for Co-Sponsors and Volunteers
Help us help Tracy pay medical expenses and other immediate living expenses.
More about Tracy's “health adventure” Tracy has offered so much to our community, over and over again. She has organized, advocated for, been outspoken about, been a musician in the name of . . . specifically, social justice in our community; being a voice for the voiceless. So, we are writing to ask if you and your friends and organization, people and groups who appreciate philanthropic, magnanimous progressive movements and moments (like this one) would be interested, and willing, to co-sponsor or volunteer for a benefit dance for Tracy - Dancing 4 a Dancer, Tracy's Night One 4 All & All 4 One on Saturday, Sept. 8 from 8 to 11 p.m. at Watts Hall in Thomaston. Being a co-sponsor or volunteer means supporting this event in any way, monetarily, selling snacks at the dance like baggies of trail mix, handheld fruit, brownies/cookies, coffee/tea, items to raffle - you get the idea . . . and/or you can donate items for the One 4 All & All for One Silent Auction. The main objective of this dance is to raise as much money as possible for Tracy, and have a lot of fun doing it. And in addition to that you and yours will get listed in the promotional materials for this dance should you accept this invitation to participate, and we (Midcoast Dancing4Fun’s Saturday Dance Group) hope you do.
Our September 8 Saturday dance raised more than $1,500 and had the following co-sponsors: Dancing 4 a Dancer Sponsor List (PDF)
Thanks to all of you joined us Saturday. and helped us make the One 4 All & All for One Dancing 4 a Dancer event a success
Events Tracy's Lovin Friends Silent Auction Food Table Dance Poster Press Release
Give yourself the gift of dancing for fun and to help others.
Come dance with us! for fun and exercise