freestyle, any style dancing; great fun, great exercise






How to Help

Tracy Rescigno's Loving Friends Fund Raiser 

When you're drowning, you don't say “I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,” you just scream. – John Lennon


More about Tracy's “health adventure”

Helping Tracy with a donation is easy!


Help us make the One 4 All & All for One Dancing 4 a Dancer event a success.

  1. Post links to


    on your Facebook page.
  2. Print copies of the Dancing 4 a Dancer poster and put them up in places where people will see them in your town.
  3. Donate items, gift certificates . . . to help make our All 4 One Silent Auction for this event a success.
  4. Bring wonderful things for and/or help us with our All 4 One Benefit Dance Food Table.
  5. Please email us if you'd like us to add you and/or your organization or business to our list of sponsors.




    Events     Benefit Dance     Silent Auction     Food Table     Dance Poster     Press Release







Come dance with us!   for the magic of simply dancing