One 4 All & All 4 One Benefit Dance
Halloween Food
SCAREcity Food Pantries Hunger in Maine Silent Auction Food Tables Press Release Poster
Our Call for Co-Sponsors and Volunteers
Help us help the
Thomaston Inter‑Church Fellowship Food Pantry and Being a co-sponsor or volunteer meant supporting this event in any way, monetarily, selling snacks at the dance like baggies of trail mix, handheld fruit, brownies, cookies or other baked goods, coffee, tea . . . and you could also have donated items for the Food SCAREcity Silent Auction and donating non‑perishable food items at the dance. The main objective of this dance was to raise as much money as possible for the two local food pantries, Thomaston Inter‑Church Fellowship Food Pantry and Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry in Rockland, and to have a lot of fun doing it. And in addition to that, if you accepted this invitation to participate, you and your organization were listed in the promotional materials for this dance. We (the Midcoast Dancing4Fun’s Saturday Benefit Dance Group) thank everyone who joined us and helped us help these two Food Pantries who are working to help local people cope with Food SCAREcity in Maine. ![]() Volunteers from AIO Food Pantry, Thomaston Food Pantry, and Dancing4Fun and welcome supporters and dancers at the Halloween Food SCAREcity dance and silent auction photo by Aimee Moffitt-Mercer Although our Halloween Food SCAREcity event was well publicized and we were all ready for a successful dance and silent auction, our October 27 event had a disappointing turnout. The music was terrific, the dancing great, and the variety and quality of food at the food tables was not to be missed . . . we're sorry if you are someone who missed this special event. As before, the silent auction helped in the final outcome. Most items at the silent auction were from Thomaston Food Pantry donors. We have written checks for $100.50 for the AIO Food Pantry and $311.50 for the Thomaston Food Pantry. We had the following sponsors for our Oct. 27 Halloween FoodSCAREcity dance and silent auction
Note, the Halloween Food SCAREcity Costume Dance and Silent Auction was a chem free event.
Past Events Food Pantries Hunger in Maine Silent Auction Food Tables Press Release Dance Poster
Give yourself the gift of dancing for fun and to help others.
Come dance with us! for fun and exercise