Benefit Dance Food Pantries Past Events Hunger in Maine Benefit Dance Silent Auction Food Tables Dance Poster Press Release
Thomaston Inter‑Church Fellowship Food Pantry
The food pantry was started by Jim McCamant of the Thomaston Federated Church and other church members in town to combat local malnutrition. The Thomaston Food Pantry is supported by the Thomaston Baptist, Episcopal, Federated and Assembly of God parishes and St. Bernard's Catholic Church in Rockland. The Thomaston Food Pantry is located on the second floor of Watts Hall, 174 Main Street (Rte 1) in Thomaston Maine. They are open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11 AM (except holidays) Appeal Jim Smith, the president of the Food Pantry says “It takes a whole community to help support this. It amazes me how we can help so many people and there are so many people now that need it . . . The cost of groceries has gone up, so it's a challenge to keep our shelves stocked.” Food donations as well as coupons are always appreciated. If you would like learn how to donate to the Thomaston Food Pantry, please visit the Thomaston Food Pantry website or contact Jim at 542‑5548 or send an email to Thank you.
Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry in Rockland
AIO was started in 1990 at St. Bernards when several churches decided to pool their resources and later moved to the Pratt Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, and Rockland Congregational Church, before purchasing the cutrrent location on Thomaston street. The Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) Food Pantry is supported by faith communities at Peoples United Methodist Church, First Universilist Church, Littlefield Memorial Baptist, Nativity Lutheran Church, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Adas Yoshuron Synagogue, Owls Head Baptist, ASldersgate United Methodist, Grace Bible Fellowship, Rockland Congrgational Church, and St. Bernard's Catholic Church. The AIO is located at 70 Thomaston St. and are open on Mon. Wed. and Fri. 9:30 – 12:00. The mailing address is PO Box 113 Rockland. Appeal In this time of economic stress the needs that AIO food pantry fills has grown. More and more families are coming to the pantry for their most basic needs. An average of 315 families are served each month, which is about 650 to 700 people. It keeps getting harder and harder to keep the shelves stocked. We also help our clients with financial assistance for utility bills, heating fuel and other emergency needs. If you would like learn how to donate to the AIO Food Pantry, please visit the AIO Food Pantry website or contact contact Kathy at 593‑6206 or send an email to Thank you. Contributions of both non‑perishable food and money are also always welcome.
Past Events Hunger in Maine Benefit Dance Silent Auction Food Tables Dance Poster Press Release
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