Halloween Food SCAREcity Silent Auction Following was our coordination and information page for this event's silent auction:
Past Events Food Pantries Hunger in Maine Benefit Dance Food Tables Press Release Dance Poster
Ellen Brown, LCSW, PA has volunteered to be in charge of the silent auction event during the dance.
You can take items, gift certificates, and service donation vouchers to the food pantries when they are open or to a member of the Dancing4Fun Saturday Benefit Dance group (see below).
You also can drop off items for the Silent Auction at Ellen's office in Camden or Bill and Dagney's in Thomaston
Non‑perishable food items, coupons for non‑perishable food items, cash or checks for the food pantries, and offers to volunteer your time to the food pantries will also be welcome donations at the Halloween Food SCAREcity Costume Dance and Silent Auction event.
Past Events Food Pantries Hunger in Maine Benefit Dance Food Tables Press Release Dance Poster
Give yourself the gift of dancing for fun and to help others.
Come dance with us! for fun and exercise