Midcoast Peace & Justice Group committed to positive change through non-violent action |
Past Events Kathy Kelly Rockland Event Poster Kathy Kelly Voices for Creative Nonviolence Kathy Kelly in Courier Kathy Kelly Tour: The Cost of War, the Price of Peace Hard Questions About U.S. War in Afghaniston
7:00 p.m. First Universalist Church, 345 Broadway, Rockland Broadway/Route 1A runs between Route 1 and Route 17. The First Universalist Church is across from the former MacDougal School. Parking and entrance are in back of the church. Come in the entrance and turn left; Kathy's talk will be in the large room at the end of the hall. Drawing from recent experiences living in Afghanistan for a month at a time, Kathy Kelly (who returned from her eighth visit to Afghanistan in August 2012) will present perspectives of Afghan Peace Volunteers on prospects for their future relation to NATO and the U.S. 21st century military Kathy and her companions at Voices for Creative Nonviolence have steadily researched consequences of drone attacks, night raids and aerial bombings in Afghanistan. Through maps, photos and 3 minute videos, Kelly will consider some of the reasons why the U.S. government plans to continue military presence in Afghanistan until 2024 and beyond. She will also talk about responsible nonviolent resistance to U.S. warfare. During each of three recent trips to Afghanistan, Kathy Kelly, as an invited guest of the Afghan Peace Volunteers, lived alongside ordinary Afghan people in a working class neighborhood in Kabul. She and her companions in Voices for Creative Nonviolence believe that “where you stand determines what you see.” They are resolved not to let war sever the bonds of friendship between them and Afghan people whom they've grown to know through successive delegations. Kelly, who has been to Pakistan twice and to Afghanistan eight times since autumn of 2009, insists that the U.S. is not waging a “humanitarian war” in Afghanistan. Kelly has also joined with activists in various regions of the country to protest drone warfare by holding demonstrations outside of U.S. military bases in Nevada, upstate New York, and, most recently, at Whitman Air Force base in Missouri. These events are free and open to the public. For more information, call, 691-0322 Sponsored by the Midcoast Peace and Justice Group.
Full Schedule in Maine Kathy Kelly in Midcoast Maine Portland on Mon., 20th Sponsored by Codepink Maine and Codepink Portland 6:30-7:30 PM - First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress St., Portland
Bangor on Tues, 21st Sponsored by the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine 7:00 p.m. Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, 96 Harlow Street, Bangor
Brunswick on Wed, 22nd Sponsored by Occupy Bath Brunswick 7:00 PM - the Morrell Room of Curtis Memorial Library - Brunswick
Rockland on Thurs, 23rd Sponsored by Midcoast Peace & Justice Group 7:00 PM - First Universalist Church - 345 Broadway, Rockland
Belfast on Fri, 24th Sponsored by UU Social Action Committee 6:30 P.M. - Unitarian Universalist Church 37 Miller St., Belfast
Member Projects Past Events Kathy Kelly Rockland Event Poster Kathy Kelly Voices for Creative Nonviolence
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