Midcoast Peace & Justice Group committed to positive change through non-violent action |
Volunteer Prison Education Program 2 Previous Current programs: Database Ed: 1 to 2 students - Tuesday 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. and Thursday 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Method - individual projects and one-on-one mentoring to build skills and experience with database design, data and data user interface issues and solutions, and with the SQL database language and application programming languages . . . which all involve the kind of thinking that I enjoy and love helping people learn. Tools - currently using Microsoft Access® 2010 and Visual Basic®. In the
past, I have also had access to and been able to help people learn about information technology using MySQLTM, Perl, Macromedia (now Adobe) FlashTM,
JavaTM, DelphiTM, Microsoft C++, and the markup languages HTML and XML. GED Writing: As needed, Wednesday 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Help GED students improve their ability to write.
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