Midcoast Peace & Justice Group committed to positive change through non-violent action |
Looking to Latin America to Save Ourselves Past Events You can help us publicize this event by clicking on the poster below and printing and posting copies of the poster. Thanks. Thursday, September 15 7 p.m. at Universalist Church, 345 Broadway Street, Rockland
Ken Jones is a professor of teacher education at the University of Southern Maine. In recent years, he has been an active participant with School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) delegations to El Salvador and Honduras. In October, he will be part of a SOAW delegation to Haiti.He has also traveled to Venezuela, Cuba, and India. While our attention has been focused on the Middle East and North Africa, our neighbors in Latin America have been forging a new political and cultural landscape based on values they call “dignity and sovereignty.” Ten countries south of the Rio Grande have elected progressive presidents over the past ten years, launching creative initiatives that have slashed poverty rates, dramatically raised educational levels and galvanized citizen participation. The response of the U.S. government? A dramatic increase in militarization and a reduction in civilian diplomacy. Grassroots groups from around the Americas have stepped into this void, creating spaces for interchange, dialogue, and joint initiatives. At the forefront of these eorts is the School of the Americas Watch movement. For more information, send us an email or call 207-691-0322.
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