Midcoast Peace & Justice Group committed to positive change through non-violent action |
Growthbusters - Hooked on Growth Growthbusters website Past Events Growthbusters Event Poster Growthbusters - Hooked on Growth
The film explores our modern obsession with urban and economic growth. Individual and public policy decisions today are informed by a powerful, progrowth cultural bias. How many of us think it is possible to have infinite economic growth in a finite space? And yet, that's exactly what we are assuming we can do. Water shortages, peak oil, species extinction, hunger, and social unrest, are all symptoms of a deeper problem addiction to unending growth in a world that has limits. From Las Vegas to Atlanta, Mexico City to Mumbai, the White House to the Vatican, GrowthBusters takes us on a whirlwind tour of growth mania, and talks back. “Growthbusters” is presented by the Midcoast Peace and Justice Group. For more information, contact Beedy Parker, 236-8732
Member Projects Events Growthbusters website Growthbusters Event Poster
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