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time: 7 p.m. Environmental lawyer Sharon Tisher will present a slide talk on “Climate Reality: Connecting the dots between extreme weather and global warming” at the Camden Public Library on Tuesday evening, June 4, at 7:00 pm. Tisher teaches environmental law and energy policy courses in the School of Economics and Ecology and Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Maine. She was recently trained by Al Gore to give this current version of his Nobel Prize-winning slide show on climate change. Through remarkable photographs, instructional animations, and film, the show explores the connections between global warming and extreme weather events, including severe storms, droughts, and wildfires. Hurricane Sandy prompted the cover of Bloomberg Business week to declare in supersized print, “IT’S GLOBAL WARMING, STUPID,” and gave even the Wall Street Journal occasion to ponder climate policy. This, from Darrell Delamaide, WSJ’s MarketWatch, Oct. 31, 2012: “This week’s ‘perfect storm,’ coming on the heels of last summer’s scorching drought, was a reminder that climate change, in fact, is not an academic subject.” No less an authority than Munich Re, one of the world’s biggest reinsurers, said in a recent study on severe weather in North America that analysis of its comprehensive database of losses from natural catastrophes “provides new evidence for the emerging impact of climate change.” The Climate Reality Project, founded and chaired by former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, is dedicated to unleashing a global cultural movement demanding action on the climate crisis. Despite overwhelming international scientific consensus on climate change, the global community still lacks the resolve to implement meaningful solutions. The Climate Reality Project employs cutting-edge communications and grassroots engagement tools “to break the dam of inaction and raise the profile of the climate crisis to its proper state of urgency. With a global movement more than 2 million strong and a grassroots network of Climate Leaders trained by Chairman Al Gore, we stand up to denial, press for solutions, and spread the truth about climate change to empower our leaders to solve the climate crisis,” says the Project website. Source – Midcoast Peace and Justice email announcement of Climate Reality event. You can also help by printing the event poster and posting it in your town in places where people will see them. Thank you. Back to Past Events Climate Reality Event Poster Climate Reality Website
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