Midcoast Peace and Justice Group



Midcoast Peace & Justice Group

committed to positive change through non-violent action



the Midcoast Peace & Justice Group banner The Midcoast Peace and Justice Group was a gathering of individuals concerned about the state of our world and committed to helping create positive change through non-violent action.

       All were welcome.

Members assumed responsibility for projects they felt were important and worked together to accomplish those projects.



Steve with apple

Steve Burke Celebration of Life

This event was at Watts Hall, 174 Main St. Thomaston  on Saturday, June 1

Starting at 4 p.m. we shared stories and remembrances, along with potluck food, followed by dancing with the Blind Albert Blues Band and the Midnight Riders

Thanks to all who joined us.

Facebook Event Page        I don't know how . . . ‘the best horse’ poem

Outlaw, humanist, revolutionary, servant, friend . . .Steve Burke Obituary




Olive Pierce Memorial Poem
Olive Pierce
Memorial Poem


Olive Pierce Memorial Poem



Drone Vigil
Drone Vigil in Rockland

Protest Vigil against Drone Attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and in the Middle East

Every Friday  4-5 p.m.   Rockland, corner of Park and Main Streets



First Wednesday of every month   7 ‑ 9 p.m. Midcoast Peace & Justice Meeting
Members of Bike and Build will be present at the Midcoast P&J meeting, Weds evening at 6:30 PM. Come and learn more about the interesting and important work they do. Their presentation will be followed by a potluck dinner. All are welcome.


Occupying a New Maine Economy    Maine Public Bank       Not‑So‑Smart Meters       Liberate Hawai’i

Ongoing Until Monsanto is Stopped  Protect Our Food  Work To Stop Monsanto

Ongoing Until Guantanamo Is Closed   Support Justice for Guantanamo Prisoners

Jury deadlocked in trial for 5 Occupy Augusta Blaine House protesters

    Bangor Daily News story     Portland Press Herald story     Sun Journald story     Kennebec Journald story

      Steve Burke's Letter to The Free Press Editor

Correcting a misunderstanding about Cuba and talking about the book, �Revolutionary Doctors� - �How Venezuela and Cuba are changing the World's Conception of Health Care.�


Wall Street Should Buy Stocks, Not Politicians  RootStrikers

       There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one striking at the root. - Thoreau

Lawrence Lessig - REPUBLIC, LOST   How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It

Lawrence Lessig - NY Times Editorial, Nov. 17, 2011

       Lessig RootStrikers video   Lessig Oct 24 Commonwealth Club speech podcast
        David Gergen (CNN) comments on Lessig, his book and money in politics

Occupy Wall Street Declaration

Charts - See What Occupy Wall Street and Other Occupy Protesters Are So Angry About

David Korten, Living Economies Forum
- Ten Common Sense Economic Truths

The more closely I look, the more obvious it is that the Old Economy fails because it is based on false values, assumptions, and logic. Those who are working to create a New Economy from the bottom-up intuitively recognize and act on 10 common sense truths foundational to a sound economy. – David Koren


Midcoast Peace & Justice Group supports Maine's
     Bring Our War $$ Home efforts

Bring Our War $$ Home Radio Ad Campaign

Midcoast Peace and Justice Group Call for Artists It has been determined by the National Priorities Project that Maine taxpayers have paid $3.4 billion as our share of war spending since 2001. Imagine how those dollars could have been used to fund education, health care, and other human needs in our state.
— from the front page of the Peace Action Maine website (spring 2011)

Midcoast Peace & Justice Call to Midcoast Artists!

Recent “progress” in Maine toward health care reform: “Full Speed Astern”
Dr. Philip Caper comments about the recently enacted Chapter 90 - Maine's new health care reform law: “. . . repealing essentially all of the consumer protections (such as guaranteed issue and community rating requirements that have existed for many years in Maine), and abolishing all of the quality assurance, payment reform and health planning mechanisms that have existed for at least the past 8 years.”

News, Video & Photos from the April 9 Rally Against War in NYC
War is not unavoidable. To avoid it we need a revocation of the principles of greed. Only if you believe that greed is unavoidable then you can say that war is unavoidable. — SirTenTea (comment on a video of rally at YouTube.com)

Video, Images, Speeches . . . from Anti-War Rally - New York City April 9, 2011 - Video by Ana Nogueira

7 NYC Rally Photos from Steve       April 9 in Maine


Ongoing Projects we're working on . . . Current Events on our schedule

Jerry Call'sProgressive Agenda email series

But wait . . . excerpt from an article by Robert Reich
Jerry suggests you substitute the word "citizens" for "Democrats" when you read it.
   (We're are all responsible . . . Democracy works if you work for democracy!)


Other groups working for Peace & Justice in Maine and from away


A little reminder

not all that long ago it seems . . .



Those “who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.” – Seneca


Democracy works if you work for democracy.



Come meet with us!   work for positive change