Website Archive




  • Dancing4Fun - Archive of website created for a weekly and special event dance organization in Midcoast Maine.
  • Midcoast Peace and Justice - This group is no longer active but the website will be maintained here as a memorial to the group and its work, and also as a memorial for two important individuals, Steve Burke and Olive Pierce.
  • WeThePeopleMaine - Website for an organization promoting the idea that “Corporations Are Not People!” and “Money is not speech!” The petition drive failed and this organization is no longer active except as a registered Maine public benefit corporation. The website is archived here as a memorial to the important ideas that brought this group together.




Cost to archive a complete website under ManyMem: $20 each year plus the one time cost for my time @ $40/hr to backup and migrate the website, test all of its content, make necessary edits (e.g. to fix broken links and contact information), and add it to ManyMem’s lists and menus of archived websites.   see more

Cost to archive a complete website and maintain it’s domain or domains: see “affordable website hosting” and “affordable website development and website migration” cost details at wcePublishing.